I collaborated with other students to write the grant proposal for this class. Currently (Feb. 2021), we are re-writing the grant proposal to continue this project. During the project, I successfully facilitated the development of three independent experiences. As the lead programmer for Apples and Anthills, my main focus was to create an interactive experience that could be easily used by hospice patients.
As the sole programmer for Apples and Anthills, I wish we had scoped down the project slightly. While everything is functioning, the 10-week development period did not allow for the level of refinement I would have preferred.
During this project, I learned a lot about level streaming. I loaded in different baked lightmaps to change the lighting, compared to using a dynamic light. Next quarter (Spring 2021), we will be revisiting creating VR experiences for hospice in Savannah. This time around, we will only be working on one project. This will allow us to refine it even further.